Health Services
The mission of the FHQ Tribal Council First Nations Health Services Program is to assist in the development of healthy and safe communities by enhancing and complimenting the client services currently being delivered to First Nations of FHQ Tribal Council in a culturally respectful and professional manner.
Health Administration
The people who work in Health Administration act as liaisons to advocate on behalf of First Nation clients and communities in health-related issues.
Home and Community Care
The Home and Community Care team works to provide home health services in seven of the eleven Tribal Council Communities. The Home care team is highly qualified in this specialty, participating in continuous professional development opportunities ensuring their skills are maintained and current. Regular home visits are done to provide assessments/reassessments, wound care, foot care and respite services to palliative clients and their care givers. Monthly Wellness Clinics are held in conjunction with the Diabetes Team, Community Health Director and CHR. The Home and Community Team advocate for their clients to ensure they receive the services they require. We liaison with other health care services such as the Health Navigator, hospitals, physicians, dietitians, the Women’s health Centre and FNIHB.
Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative
The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative provides prevention and early screening for diabetes and pre-diabetes. Diabetes education is provided to all people and their families with diabetes in the communities. Health and Wellness clinics are held in 10 communities each month with a diabetes education nurse and dietitian. Screening for Blood sugar, Cholesterol and Blood pressure are routine for all. Those people with diabetes and their families are given ongoing support in managing their diabetes through education. In addition to community outreach clinics and counselling the Diabetes team works with children and youth providing diabetes screening and nutrition information through nutrition education sessions, cooking classes, health fairs and displays.
Health Education
Health Education encompasses a range of services including the SGI Safety Program and Youth Resource Coordinators. The team provides a variety of health education programming and career choice opportunities to the 11 communities of the Tribal Council reaching out to include the students of the local high schools. The Team has established partnerships with the Indigenous Peoples Health Research Council (IPHRC), Qu’Appelle Haven Safe Shelter, Qu’Appelle Valley Friendship Centre, Leading Thunderbird Lodge and the Regina District Industry Education Council.
Community Nutrition Services
This area provides nutrition education and counseling in addition to coordinating prenatal nutrition education as part of the on-reserve Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program.
Environmental Health Program
The environmental health program works to identify and prevent environmental public health risks that could impact the community. The program also includes recommending corrective action to reduce these risks and advising Chief and Council and Band Staff in matters related to Environmental Public Health. Program areas include: Community and Private Water Quality; Community and Private Sewage Disposal; Solid Waste Disposal; Food Quality; Communicable Disease Control; Institutions; Special Events; Recreational Facilities; Housing; Pest Control; Occupational Health and Safety.
Drinking Water Safety Program
The Drinking Water Safety Program is responsible for monitoring the safety of all the drinking water in the communities. The Water Quality Technicians sample and test the drinking water for potential bacterial contamination and chlorine residuals to ensure the safety of the water. The results of these tests are shared with the community when completed.
Maternal Child Health
Maternal Child Health Program is a strength based approach home visiting program through the community based Parent Mentor program in each community through training education, professional development opportunities and case management support.
For further information contact:
Gail Boehme, Pro.Dir
Executive Director, All Nations Healing Hospital and First Nations Health Services
E: gboehme@fhqtc.com
B: (306) 332-8216
C: (306) 331-7016
F: (306)332-3790