Leading Thunderbird Lodge is a male-only, 15 bed residential youth treatment facility located near the town of Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. The Lodge offers a 12 week treatment program for First Nations and Inuit male youth between the ages of 12 – 18 years, who are experiencing challenges with alcohol, drug and solvent misuse.
Residential Treatment Program
The treatment program is solidly based in First Nations culture and deals with whole person wellness, focusing on growth and development in the areas of: mental, spiritual, physical and social well being. Mental Health and addictions are addressed simultaneously through various components of programming that includes:
- Pre and Post Assessments
- Individual & Group Counselling
- Classroom Education
- Cultural and Spiritual Teachings
- Life Skills
- Therapeutic Recreation
Outreach & Outpatient Programming
The Lodge also offers community based programming through its Outreach and Outpatient Programming department. Based on community needs, presentations can be developed and delivered within the community on topics such as:
- Addictions (alcohol, drugs and/or solvents)
- Mental Health
- Suicide Prevention
The Lodge also offers a 12 week community based treatment program based on the ‘Matrix Model’ that can be delivered to a host community who expresses interest and has interested participants.
Tours of the facility are also available upon request. Anyone wanting more information on our treatment program, presentations, or to make a referral to our program can contact our Outreach department at the numbers below.
Telephone: (306) 332-5659
Fax:(306) 332-1850
Mail:Box 400, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 1S0

Pēkiwēwin (Coming Home) House provides selected graduates of the 16 week residential treatment program with an opportunity to continue and complete their secondary education, gain work experience and enhance their life skills. Residents will continue their healing journey supported by cultural teachings and programming.
Besides being recent treatment graduates, youth residents of the house must be between 16 – 25 years and have a minimum of a grade 9 education level.
Youth are expected to:
- continue to be substance free
- support peers in residence
- contribute to the overall maintenance of the house
Youth are required to complete the limited stabilization period prior to moving into the Pēkiwēwin House.
For more information, please contact: Pēkiwēwin House, Priscilla Johnstone – Aftercare Housing Manager; House (306) 332-1341 or Cell (306) 331-6297 or Fax (306) 332-1012