White Raven Healing Centre
White Raven Healing Centre provides mental health and wellness care, treatment and support to children, youth and families. The WRHC is guided by the kehteyak, the Oskâpêwis In Residence, the WRHC staff and our FHQTC communities to provide care, treatment and support for mental wellness across the life span. Please access the FHQTC website, follow the FHQTC Facebook Page, FHQTC Twitter Page and the WRHC Facebook page for current WRHC program offerings.
Our Healing Journey
Traditional First Nations Wellness and Healing originates with language, spirituality, culture, morals, and values which is shared with all my relations.
Our Purpose (note – Awaiting translations for “Our Purpose” listed in the five language groups used within FHQTC)
While honouring treaty and inherent rights to health, White Raven Healing Centre encourages hope, builds kinship, and models wellness for all people. We offer support for self-healing through language, ceremony, tradition, and culture. We work in unity with health care providers for those we serve.
THE WHITE RAVEN HEALING CENTRE was obtained through a traditional naming ceremony and was named by the Grandmother Spirit, White Raven, the head Grandmother who sits in the West.
Our Values/Beliefs/Sacred Teachings (note – Awaiting translations for “values” listed in the five Language groups used within FHQTC)
Trust – We honour those we serve by walking with truth and honesty. We act with integrity and confidentiality.
Respect – We support self-identity and confidence toward the understanding of self-respect and self-care.
Kinship – We are all family. We all belong.
Humility – We are all equal on this journey of self-discovery and have much to learn from our values and beliefs.
Courage – We encourage strength to face fears and accept positive change.
For further information contact:
Fax: (306) 332-2681
Toll Free: 1-866-748-8922